Al Gore: ‘No such thing as ethical oil’ — FLASHBACK: Gore invests in BP while making global warming movie

Al Gore is an expert on ethics? Continue reading Al Gore: ‘No such thing as ethical oil’ — FLASHBACK: Gore invests in BP while making global warming movie

Eco-Imperialist Bill McKibben tells economically troubled Iceland to stop oil exploration

“McKibben said that it would be an important step in breaking the ice if a county announced that it would not extract oil, gas or coal despite it being available.” Continue reading Eco-Imperialist Bill McKibben tells economically troubled Iceland to stop oil exploration

Un-divesting: Enviro groups stocked with fossil fuel investments; Nature Conservancy has $22.8 million in energy sector

Comrade Naomi Klein exposes the hypocrisy of her allies. Continue reading Un-divesting: Enviro groups stocked with fossil fuel investments; Nature Conservancy has $22.8 million in energy sector

Study: ‘Green’ hot water systems fail to deliver on promises

Two researchers affiliated with the Virginia Tech College of Engineering have published a paper which reports that hot water recirculating systems touted as “green,” actually use both more energy and water than their standard counterparts. The research found that the “so-called green” hot water recirculation systems used more net water than the conventional systems after accounting for water needed to produce the extra energy. Continue reading Study: ‘Green’ hot water systems fail to deliver on promises

Bill Gates Hypocrisy: Foundation of billionaire warmist has $1 billion invested in ExxonMobil and BP

Just the other day, Bill Gates was lamenting the irony of the world’s poor being made to suffer from the carbon emissions of the world’s wealthy. Continue reading Bill Gates Hypocrisy: Foundation of billionaire warmist has $1 billion invested in ExxonMobil and BP

Facebook CEO on enviro sh*t list for supporting Keystone XL, fracking

“It’s great that Mark Zuckerberg is promoting immigration reform. Too bad he has to do so by echoing big oil’s agenda,” Daniel Weiss, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, told POLITICO. Continue reading Facebook CEO on enviro sh*t list for supporting Keystone XL, fracking