Gore gets $257,000 for climate speech in Gibraltar

Flashback from Gore’s 2009 Congressional testimony: “And, Congresswoman, if you’re — if you believe that the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is because of greed, you don’t know me.” Continue reading Gore gets $257,000 for climate speech in Gibraltar

RFK Jr: 'Sense of entitlement' builds 'eco-friendly' mansion

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his late wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, didn’t pay a penny for the high-end kitchen appliances, dual-flush toilets, solid brass and zinc faucets, hardwood flooring and hypoallergenic rugs when they created their eco-friendly Westchester mansion. Even the bamboo hangers and the cleaning products were free — a $1.3 million bonanza of swag.

Now five months after Mary Richardson Kennedy’s suicide at the sprawling estate in Bedford, her husband is set to make a windfall.” [New York Post]

PBS NewsHour global warming coverage: IPCC/NOAA Scientists – 18**; Skeptic Scientists – 0

[**1/16/15 Author update: The bias ratio now stands at 27 to zero. See below.]

Tom Karl appeared on the NewsHour 7/11 on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to describe how “climate change, including human factors, has increased the odds of extreme weather”. But what are the odds that his appearance there was among three hundred+ other instances where the idea of man-caused global warming was met with not one word of rebuttal from any scientist holding a skeptical viewpoint? Continue reading PBS NewsHour global warming coverage: IPCC/NOAA Scientists – 18**; Skeptic Scientists – 0

Rio+20 sustainability conference: trusts countries after all, but ignores squirrels

While the United Nations packs some highly questionable notions into its Rio+20 “The Future We Want”, it might be helpful to note the suggested changes that weren’t incorporated into it.

Continue reading Rio+20 sustainability conference: trusts countries after all, but ignores squirrels

FAIL: PBS NewsHour’s Anti-Heartland Institute Hit Piece has Problems Below its Surface

The PBS NewsHour sets up a premise about ‘harmful politics’ of global warming creeping into classrooms that is superficially plausible as long as nobody looks deeply into it. Continue reading FAIL: PBS NewsHour’s Anti-Heartland Institute Hit Piece has Problems Below its Surface

Shocker: Nature Conservancy chief scientist admits 'data simply do not support the idea of a fragile nature at risk of collapse'

The eco-fragility trope of Rachel Carson and Al Gore is wrong, says an unlikely source. Continue reading Shocker: Nature Conservancy chief scientist admits 'data simply do not support the idea of a fragile nature at risk of collapse'