Hansen fundraises to keep Haitians in the dark

Instead of advocating/fundraising for the electrification and development of Haiti, Jim Hansen sees poverty- and earthquake-stricken Haiti as a way to advance his twisted global warming agenda. Continue reading Hansen fundraises to keep Haitians in the dark

Alarmist Dave Roberts: Fossil fuels good, people bad

Not only is uber-alrmist Dave Roberts enjoying 83-degree warmth at a 56,000 square-foot water park in Washington state, but he’s hating the other people there. Continue reading Alarmist Dave Roberts: Fossil fuels good, people bad

Hypocrisy Alert: Radical Green to Enjoy 84-degree Wash. State Indoor Water Park

Maybe the Nuremberg-style skeptic trials David Roberts called for can be held there as well? Continue reading Hypocrisy Alert: Radical Green to Enjoy 84-degree Wash. State Indoor Water Park

Zubrin: The Greens’ Attack on Mariculture

“Previously, environmentalists objected to human actions that harmed whales. But now, human actions that help whales also evoke horror. So clearly, it’s not about whales at all. It’s about prohibiting human activity, which is seen as intrinsically evil and therefore in need of constraint, regardless of its nature.” Continue reading Zubrin: The Greens’ Attack on Mariculture

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Terminator, Body-Builder, and Global Leader on Climate-Change

“Sitting back in a walnut-paneled holding room while he waited to receive his U.N. award, Schwarzenegger propped an alligator-skin shoe up on the coffee table and held forth on the stakes of the California climate law.” Continue reading Arnold Schwarzenegger: Terminator, Body-Builder, and Global Leader on Climate-Change