Guardian: When will we stop wasting fossil fuels by burning them?

Let’s save them for tomorrow so we can save them for the next day? The author must also have missed the news about fracking and the trillion-barrel find in Australia. Continue reading Guardian: When will we stop wasting fossil fuels by burning them?

State Department rewrites population essay by Crocodile Hunter’s daughter

“When I got the essay back after they edited it, it was completely different. I hadn’t said anything they had put in … my words were twisted and altered and changed. I was a little bit shocked to tell you the truth.” Continue reading State Department rewrites population essay by Crocodile Hunter’s daughter

Juliet Eilperin again fails to disclose conflict-of-interest

Washington Post environmental reporter writer Juliet Eilperin again cites the Center for American Progress and fails to disclose that her husband is a senior fellow there. Continue reading Juliet Eilperin again fails to disclose conflict-of-interest

HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes

Thanks to Steve Milloy for alerting JunkScience readers earlier today to this 1/16/13 Huffington Post article by Climate Counts Project Director Mike Bellamente. When asked if he attempted to apply his own ‘handling’ tips to people who promote the idea of man-caused global warming, Bellamente said he did. We await to find out how that turned out for him, but let’s go ahead and try that exercise right here, shall we? Continue reading HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes

Washington Free Beacon: the ‘believe-it-or-not inaugural meetings of the progressive Democracy Initiative’

A must-read piece by Matthew Continetti, stemming from – of all places, Mother Jones – on how Greenpeace and other progressives want “… to change the rules of the game so that greens and unions can push their agenda….” Continue reading Washington Free Beacon: the ‘believe-it-or-not inaugural meetings of the progressive Democracy Initiative’