Biggest Health & Nutrition Story of 2011: Salt Vindicated

“The Salt Institute says 2011 was a year of vindication for salt as half a dozen medical studies showed health benefits of salt or revealed significant risks of low-sodium diets.” Continue reading Biggest Health & Nutrition Story of 2011: Salt Vindicated

Still no evidence for general sodium reduction

Letters to the editor in the Journal of the American Medical Association point out that a recent reexamination of the NHANES III data does not support a general recommendation for reducing sodim intake. Continue reading Still no evidence for general sodium reduction

Food nannies want to torture kids in hospitals with ‘healthy’ food

Only 44% of children’s hospitals offered “low cal” salad dressing, while 81% offered cookies. Quelle horreur! Continue reading Food nannies want to torture kids in hospitals with ‘healthy’ food

Debunked: Childhood obesity not linked with adult metabolic syndrome

“Little evidence was found to support the view that childhood obesity is an independent risk factor for adult blood lipid status, insulin levels, metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes.” Continue reading Debunked: Childhood obesity not linked with adult metabolic syndrome