UDelaware Prof: Tasty food not socially responsible

“What companies basically did and still do is to exploit our vulnerabilities when it comes to sugar, fat and salt. It is certainly legal, but is it responsible? I doubt.” Continue reading UDelaware Prof: Tasty food not socially responsible

Magical Food: Green tea extract interferes with the formation of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease

“Researchers at the University of Michigan have found a new potential benefit of a molecule in green tea: preventing the misfolding of specific proteins in the brain.” Continue reading Magical Food: Green tea extract interferes with the formation of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease

Let’s starve! Kids forced to go hungry for hours during Michelle Obama media event

“A very courageous fifth teacher in the Chicago Public Schools has written a scathing critique of the almost comical misery she and her students endured when they participated in a massive February 28 event kicking off Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Active Schools campaign.” Continue reading Let’s starve! Kids forced to go hungry for hours during Michelle Obama media event