Activists Ratchet Up ‘Food Addiction’ Campaign

The use of inflammatory words such as “toxic,” “poison,” “manipulation,” “addictive,” and “inherently dangerous” signal the trial lawyers and state attorneys general are coming for the food industry. Continue reading Activists Ratchet Up ‘Food Addiction’ Campaign

Striking Down Bloomberg’s Soda Ban: A Matter of Law, Not Activism

“… But everyone agrees the question properly before the court was not whether the judge agreed with the ban. It was instead whether the ban could pass muster under the relevant New York precedent…” Continue reading Striking Down Bloomberg’s Soda Ban: A Matter of Law, Not Activism

Judas: Former Kraft exec says food industry conspired to make people eat more

Michael Mudd tries to curry favor with the forces of political correctness. Continue reading Judas: Former Kraft exec says food industry conspired to make people eat more

NY Daily News: Judge who ruled against Bloomberg soda ban is ‘no one’

The New York Daily News says that Judge Tingling had no right to overrule the New York City Board of Health. Continue reading NY Daily News: Judge who ruled against Bloomberg soda ban is ‘no one’

Mississippi lawmakers pass ‘anti-Bloomberg bill,’ await governor’s signature

Mississippi on the verge of rejecting soda nannyism. Continue reading Mississippi lawmakers pass ‘anti-Bloomberg bill,’ await governor’s signature

CNN Emptyhead Mika Brzezinski: Soda is ‘killing our children… liquid poison’

As bad as the CNN emptyhead who said the recent meteor was caused by global warming. Continue reading CNN Emptyhead Mika Brzezinski: Soda is ‘killing our children… liquid poison’

NYU Nanny Nestle on Soda Ban Decision: ‘Corporate health 1, public health 0’

“Many years hence, people will look back and think it was crazy for sugar drinks to ever be served in 32- and 64-ounce pails.” Continue reading NYU Nanny Nestle on Soda Ban Decision: ‘Corporate health 1, public health 0’

Harvard Nanny Walter Willet: Soda ‘is all harm, no nutritional value’

But calories are the most important and basic form of nutrition. You can live a lot longer without vitamins/minerals than you can without calories. Continue reading Harvard Nanny Walter Willet: Soda ‘is all harm, no nutritional value’