Harvard nanny Walter Willett is spitting mad about overweight-causes-death scare being debunked

“More and more studies show that being overweight does not always shorten life — but some public-health researchers would rather not talk about them.” Continue reading Harvard nanny Walter Willett is spitting mad about overweight-causes-death scare being debunked

Food Police admit no evidence for low-sodium recommendation

The Center for Science in the Public Interest Michael Jacobson’s head is spinning after the Institute of Medicine exposed the junk science behind his call for dramatically reduced sodium intake. Continue reading Food Police admit no evidence for low-sodium recommendation

Sweet: New study says every-other-day candy consumption not linked to obesity or heart disease

Yes, the study was funded by candy makers, but…

… the NHANES data is available for anyone to confirm/debunk.

The media release is below.


New study suggests candy consumption frequency not linked to obesity or heart disease

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 20, 2013 – At a time when the spotlight is focused on obesity more than ever, new research suggests that frequency of candy consumption is not associated with weight or certain adverse health risks. According to a recent data analysis published in the April 30th issue of Nutrition Journal, adults who consume candy at least every other day are no more likely to be overweight nor have greater risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) than moderate consumers (about once a week) or even less frequent candy eaters (less than 3 times per month).1

Almost all adults (96%) reported eating candy, but there is variability in frequency and quantity consumed at a given time. Previous research has shown that candy consumers are not more likely to be overweight or have greater risk factors for chronic disease than non-consumers of candy. 2 This research showed that even the consumers who reported eating the most candy on a given day were not more likely to be at risk for increased weight or disease. Such findings were surprising and required further investigation which this new study set out to do, delving into the role of usual frequency of candy consumption and health/weight outcomes.

This study found that frequency of candy consumption was not associated with the risk of obesity, using objective measures such as BMI, waist circumference and skinfold thickness. Additionally, frequency of candy consumption was not associated with markers of cardiovascular disease risk including blood pressure, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. Frequency of candy consumption was based on analyses of food frequency questionnaires and data from the 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) – the most recent data set in which these food frequency questionnaires were available – of more than 5,000 U.S. adults ages 19 and older.

“We did not find an association between frequency of candy intake and BMI or cardiovascular risk factors among adults,” notes lead author Mary M. Murphy, MS, RD of Exponent®, Inc., Center for Chemical Regulation & Food Safety.

The study certainly doesn’t provide evidence that candy can be consumed without limits. However, these results suggest that most people are treating themselves to candy without increasing their risk of obesity or cardiovascular disease. More research is needed to further understand the role candy plays in life and the best tips for candy lovers to include their favorite treats as a part of a happy healthy lifestyle.

Candy’s Contribution to Total Calories, Sugar and Saturated Fat is small

According to the National Cancer Institute’s analysis of NHANES 05-06 data (same timeframe as this study), candy contributed an estimated 44 calories per day, or only about 2% of the total caloric intake of an average adult.3

In addition, candy accounted for slightly more than one teaspoon of added sugars (approximately 5 g) or 20 kcal in the diets of adults on a daily basis,4 which corresponds to a fraction of the 100-150 calorie upper limit of added sugars recommended by the American Heart Association.5 By comparison the top three dietary sources of added sugars for adults – sugary drinks, grain-based desserts, and sweetened fruit drinks – account for approximately 60% of the total added sugars intake.

Furthermore, data from the National Cancer Institute’s analysis of NHANES 05-06 indicate that candy accounted for only 3.1% of the total saturated fat intake by the US population aged 2 years, or slightly less than 1 g based on a total saturated fat intake of 27.8 g/day.

“There is a place for little pleasures, such as candy, in life. A little treat in moderation can have a positive impact on mood and satisfaction, and as emerging research suggests, minimal impact on diet and health risk,” said Laura Shumow, MHS, Director of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, National Confectioners Association.

Chicago Tribune: ‘Worry about food stamp growth, not junk food’

“So lighten up, already. We’re all for reducing obesity, reining in health care costs and prudent spending of taxpayer dollars. But we don’t think the government needs to micromanage the grocery shopping habits of its citizens.” Continue reading Chicago Tribune: ‘Worry about food stamp growth, not junk food’

Food police forced to admit call for drastic salt reduction not supported by evidence

In the wake of the new Institute of Medicine report, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (AKA the “Food Police”) admits its drastic dietary salt recommendations are baseless. Continue reading Food police forced to admit call for drastic salt reduction not supported by evidence

Anti-salt activists silent in wake of major report debunking anti-salt campaign

Yesterday’s Institute of Medicine report exposing the lack of evidence behind calls to reduce sodium intake has dumbfounded the activists into silence. Continue reading Anti-salt activists silent in wake of major report debunking anti-salt campaign

Institute of Medicine Panel Chairman: ‘Lowering sodium intake too much may actually increase a person’s risk of some health problems’

How many people have suffered needlessly because of the junk science-based food nanny jihad against salt? Continue reading Institute of Medicine Panel Chairman: ‘Lowering sodium intake too much may actually increase a person’s risk of some health problems’

Anti-alcohol extremists move to lower driving limit from .08 to .05 — MADD crusade runs into law of diminishing returns

Only a very small percentage of driving fatalities (maybe around 1.5% at most) occur among those with blood alcohol content between .05 and .08. It seems that scarce public resources could best be used elsewhere. Continue reading Anti-alcohol extremists move to lower driving limit from .08 to .05 — MADD crusade runs into law of diminishing returns

Study: Waist to height ratio ‘more accurate than BMI’

“Measuring the ratio of someone’s waist to their height is a better way of predicting their life expectancy than body mass index (BMI), the method widely used by doctors when judging overall health and risk of disease, researchers said.” Continue reading Study: Waist to height ratio ‘more accurate than BMI’