It’s easy to pander to the Luddites.
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Category: Environmentalism
General Public yawn about Climate
People got lots to worry about, like a socialist in the White House. It gets warm, break out the cold beer.
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Delingpole Declares a Good Outlook
I agree with Delingpole.
My biggest problem is not climate or warming, it’s socialism and administrative statism.
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The Economist is now more Sensible–Knuckleheads
The Economist is a little less inane in its coverage of the climate debate but still holding onto the Kool Aid.
Continue reading The Economist is now more Sensible–Knuckleheads
Lying for Justice
The concept of Lying for Justice is a product of the Post Modernist Marxist Socialist attitude–if you lie to achieve a good socialist goal, ends justify the means.
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Intensive Dairy Farming condemned as Public Health Hazard
So I might ask how an enviro group dedicated to eliminating really big dairy farms get’s a nice timely scare report from 6 Johns Hopkins researchers.
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Scary Fracking–just ask the enviros
Can’t be too careful with these chicken littles. Particularly if they are lawyers with nothing better to do.
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Kemper Ewectwicity by Tweety Bird
A typical coal plant is 1000 MW and used to cost 1 billion to build. This Mississippi disaster is now breaking a record for stupid.
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UN Climate Chief Gets a Case of Egomania
This Figueres is an excellent example of often wrong, never in doubt. She wants to control fossil fuel reserves?
Continue reading UN Climate Chief Gets a Case of Egomania
Down Goes One Hit Toxicology? Naw
The threshold concept still holds in tox except when the EPA is on a tear.
Continue reading Down Goes One Hit Toxicology? Naw
Proud to Announce the NIPCC Climate Change Reconsidered II
I am a proud supporter of the efforts of Heartland to stop the crazy warmers.
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Dr. Broun's Mistaken Response to the IG on the Human Testing Scandal
Dr. Broun, now the chair of the pertinent subcommittee, was almost right in his response to the pathetic report of the US EPA Inspector general on the Human Exposure Experiments scandal.
Continue reading Dr. Broun's Mistaken Response to the IG on the Human Testing Scandal