Smith on EPA mercury rule: ‘No credible identifiable benefits’

Economics consultant Anne Smith dismantles EPA’s benefits analysis for the mercury rule at today’s hearing. Continue reading Smith on EPA mercury rule: ‘No credible identifiable benefits’

House Committee passes cost-benefit requirement for agency rules

The Regulatory Accountability Act requires agencies to assess the costs and benefits of regulatory alternatives and, in most cases, to adopt the least-costly alternative to achieve the regulatory objectives of Congress. Continue reading House Committee passes cost-benefit requirement for agency rules

Conn Carroll: Flood of new EPA rules could drown economic growth

“Seven proposed rules pending before the agency are poised to inflict more than $125 billion in costs on the U.S. economy annually, according to EPA’s own estimates… [and] all of the EPA’s claimed health benefits from CAA regulations are, at best, bureaucratic guesses,” says Washington Examiner senior editorial writer Conn Carroll. Read Carroll’s commentary.

Obama's Regulatory Reform Practical Joke

The White House has released a regulatory reform plan that will allegedly save businesses $10 billion over the next five years. But businesses will need every penny as the coming EPA ozone rule alone is estimated to cost $1 trillion per year.

Obama's prescription for easing the burden of over-regulation

Obama: Job blocker-in-chief

As our economy perhaps heads into another tailspin, it’s worthwhile contemplating how much economic growth and how many jobs President Obama and his comrades are blocking with the EPA and the rest of the federal, state and local regulatory bureaucracies. Continue reading Obama: Job blocker-in-chief

EPA regulations — our economy's golden goose?

Every dollar spent complying with federal regulations returned anywhere from $2.13 to $14.90 during the 2000s, according to a new report from the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). EPA rules accounted for approximately 84% of this alleged regulatory largesse. Needless to say, the OMB report is total nonsense. Continue reading EPA regulations — our economy's golden goose?

Junk in EPA's trunk: Faux analysis

“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency soft-pedals rigorous analysis showing its policies kill growth and jobs while trumpeting as truth junk analysis portraying burdensome regulations as economically beneficial,” says the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Continue reading Junk in EPA's trunk: Faux analysis