Swiss catch Italy cheating on Kyoto?

Switzerland says that Italy is emitting 10-20 times more of the “potent” greenhouse gas trifluoromethane (HFC-23) than the Italians officially report. The Swiss observe, “International agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) basically have one snag: it is almost impossible to independently verify whether participating countries abide by the agreement.”

Rick Perry: Climate scientists 'manipulated data' for 'dollars rolling in'

GOP presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry told the Dallas Morning News that “there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they would have dollars rolling in to their projects. We’re seeing it almost weekly or almost daily, scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that manmade global warming is what is causing the climate to change. The cost to the country and to the world of implementing these anti-carbon programs is in the billions if not in the trillions of dollars.” Perry said he would refuse to regulate greenhouse gas emissions based on questionable research.

GOP tricked in budget deal: Climate aid hidden in Defense budget

Climate war veterans will remember that President Obama promised at the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference to contribute to a $100 billion fund for third-world kleptocracies. Soon after, though, Secretary Clinton backed away from the promise because of budget concerns. Continue reading GOP tricked in budget deal: Climate aid hidden in Defense budget

NYTimes: Polar bear-gate a 'minor sideshow'

When the New York Times first opined on Climategate (December 6, 2009), the paper called it “noise.” On Saturday, the paper had this to say about Polar bear-gate in an editorial entitled “A Polarizing Polar Bear Investigation“: Continue reading NYTimes: Polar bear-gate a 'minor sideshow'

Shocking: No Obama analysis of anti-coal rules on electricity reliability; Public misled by EPA

The EPA has misled the public by promising but failing to consult with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on the impact of the coming slew of EPA utility rules (i.e., EPA Train Wreck) on electricity reliability. Continue reading Shocking: No Obama analysis of anti-coal rules on electricity reliability; Public misled by EPA

Latest EV scam: Solar-power Ford Focus

The good news for Ford Focus buyers is that they’ll soon be able to save a lot of money on gas with a rooftop solar power option. The bad news is that the $18,000 option will more than double the price of the $16,500 car — although taxpayers will pick up $10,000 of that cost. Read Wall Street Journal coverage.

No where else to go: Climate alarmism finally moving to fiction section

“Novelists from Margaret Atwood to David Mitchell are hoping to bring the dangers posed by climate change to life, through a new collection of short stories tackling the climate crisis,” reports The Guardian.

More Polar bear-gate: Wife was peer reviewer

From Human Events:

In particular, investigators are asking questions about the peer review work on Monnett’s drowned polar bear paper, which was done by his wife, Lisa Rotterman, as well as Andrew Derocher, the lead researcher on the Canadian study under review by the inspector general’s office…

With investigators suggesting his research is collapsing, Monnett was defensive in the interview, and asked for the inspectors’ credentials to question his work or second-guess his calculations.

For example, there was some confusion as to whether it was three or four dead bears used in the calculation to determine the ratio of survival, and whether Monnett assumed that four swimming bears seen the week earlier were the same polar bears recorded as dead in the next survey. The statistic in question was the percentage of bears likely to survive when swimming in a storm—Monnett estimated it to be around 25%, whereas investigators put the number at more than 57%.

Is there a potential we made a mistake, and the peer reviewers didn’t catch it? Possibly,” Gleason said.

So what part of climate alarmism isn’t scam-like?

Rick Santorum: No place we shouldn't drill

Yes, he appallingly sided with Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey in the 2004 Senate primary in Pennsylvania, but Rick Santorum said the right thing today (and more) when asked about oil drilling. Continue reading Rick Santorum: No place we shouldn't drill