Plastics Suck Up Other Toxins: Double Whammy for Marine Life, Gross for Seafood

“That’s because not only are the plastics themselves toxic but some also act as sponges for other toxins.” Continue reading Plastics Suck Up Other Toxins: Double Whammy for Marine Life, Gross for Seafood

Camp Lejeune Water Contaminated In 1953, Federal Agency Shows

There is no credible data linking this “contamination” to increased cancer risk. If politicians want to give money to servicemen, fine. But let’s not muck up the science for the rest of us. Continue reading Camp Lejeune Water Contaminated In 1953, Federal Agency Shows

140 countries agree to UN mercury treaty

“More than 140 nations have agreed on the first legally-binding treaty to curb mercury pollution. Delegates at UN talks in Geneva approved measures to control the use of the highly toxic metal, which is widely used in chemical production and small-scale mining, in order to limit mercury emissions.” Continue reading 140 countries agree to UN mercury treaty