USA Today: ‘Most and least toxic cars? Tests rank 200 models’

“Vehicle interiors contain a unique cocktail of hundreds of toxic chemicals that off-gas in small, confined spaces.” Continue reading USA Today: ‘Most and least toxic cars? Tests rank 200 models’

The United States of EPA

“Here’s one good way to consider the vote in 2012: It’s about whether to re-elect President Lisa Jackson, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, which these days runs most the U.S. economy,” says the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Continue reading The United States of EPA

Dutch treat: Tax by the mile driven

As spotlighted in Steve Milloy’s book “Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them” (Regnery 2009), the Netherlands is proposing a tax to charge drivers a usage fee for the miles they drive, factoring in the cost to society in the form of pollution, traffic congestion and wear and tear on roads. Read the New York Times report.