Animal Rights, IRS Wrongs? Is IRS official and Humane Society supporter Lois Lerner squelching IRS review of the Humane Society?

Inquiring minds want to know. Continue reading Animal Rights, IRS Wrongs? Is IRS official and Humane Society supporter Lois Lerner squelching IRS review of the Humane Society?

Tangled Web: PETA hits Chris Christie for killing spider; Meanwhile spider bite alleged to kill metal band guitarist

Perhaps Christie wasn’t as “thoughtless” as PETA claims. Continue reading Tangled Web: PETA hits Chris Christie for killing spider; Meanwhile spider bite alleged to kill metal band guitarist

PETA’s dangerous junk science-based cancer claim: Natural fruit/vegetable substance stops melanoma

Possibly in a Petri dish, but not in any human so far. This dubious and irresponsible claim is not a reason to stop medical experimentation on animals. Continue reading PETA’s dangerous junk science-based cancer claim: Natural fruit/vegetable substance stops melanoma

Animal Rights: PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its Virginia headquarters last year; Almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity’s American shelter

“[PETA] Only placed 19 in new homes according to the data submitted to the Virginia Department for Agriculture and Consumer Services.” Continue reading Animal Rights: PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its Virginia headquarters last year; Almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity’s American shelter

EU to Uphold Cosmetics Animal Testing Ban Deadline

“The European Commission has confirmed that it will uphold the original March 2013 deadline for the ban on the sale, within the European Union (EU), of any cosmetics or cosmetics ingredients that have been tested on animals.” Continue reading EU to Uphold Cosmetics Animal Testing Ban Deadline

Rio+20 sustainability conference: trusts countries after all, but ignores squirrels

While the United Nations packs some highly questionable notions into its Rio+20 “The Future We Want”, it might be helpful to note the suggested changes that weren’t incorporated into it.

Continue reading Rio+20 sustainability conference: trusts countries after all, but ignores squirrels