Fred Upton: All talk and no action

No doubt the EPA is trembling (or snickering?) at the sight of House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton’s media release about the EPA’s so-called “Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.” Continue reading Fred Upton: All talk and no action

Last chance for GOP to stop EPA train wreck

By Steve Milloy
July 6, 2011, The Washington Times

The next month is a good time for Congressional Republicans to move beyond empty gestures to solve the job-killing and economy-slowing problem that is the Obama Environmental Protection Agency. Continue reading Last chance for GOP to stop EPA train wreck

Sen. Lautenberg politicizes his dead sister to support EPA overregulation

Senate Republicans are apparently too polite to call out Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) on his shameless exploitation of his long-dead sister. Continue reading Sen. Lautenberg politicizes his dead sister to support EPA overregulation

Ohio Congressman: EPA Administrator Jackson is the Biggest Stumbling Block to American Job Creation

Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-OH) released the following statement regarding EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s comments yesterday about the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Air Transport Rule (CATR) and Utility Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) proposals: Continue reading Ohio Congressman: EPA Administrator Jackson is the Biggest Stumbling Block to American Job Creation

AEP: New EPA power plant rules to raise electricity rates up to 35%

American Electric Power (AEP), one of the largest electric utility companies in the U.S., took bold aim (for a utility, that is) at the EPA’s impending rules for electric utility emissions:

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed several new rules that will significantly increase the cost of electricity for AEP customers. AEP supports improving the environment by reducing power plant emissions, but believes that the nation can achieve the exact same air and water quality standards at much less expense.

Click to read AEP’s release.

Click to read “EPA’s Clean Air Act: Pretending air pollution is worse than it is”, the report on why these rules will produce no public health benefits. torpedoes American Lung Association at Senate hearing

Using this Washington Times column by Steve Milloy, Sen. John Barrasso pressed the American Lung Association (ALA) witness at today’s Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing about ALA shilling for the agency for big bucks. The witness had no response — other than stumbling and bumbling into a promise to get back to the Senator.

Can Congressional Republicans be trained? releases childhood asthma-air pollution fact sheet ahead of Senate hearing

Senate Democrats will hold a show trial of sorts tomorrow about air quality and asthma in children. Because Congressional Republicans generally stink at such hearings, JunkScience is releasing this fact sheet to help them out. Continue reading Can Congressional Republicans be trained? releases childhood asthma-air pollution fact sheet ahead of Senate hearing

Environmental Protection (Or Propaganda?) Agency friends Paul Driessen and Willie Soon nail the EPA in today’s Investor’s Business Daily:

If Federal Register notices, press releases and activist campaigns assured progress, the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rules for 84 power plant pollutants would usher in vastly improved environmental quality and human health.

Unfortunately, the opposite is likelier…

Read more…