Shock: EPA exposes human guinea pigs to lead; Agency ignores own 'no safe' exposure determination

The EPA has exposed human test subjects to lead despite the agency’s conclusion that there is “no safe” level of exposure to the heavy metal. Continue reading Shock: EPA exposes human guinea pigs to lead; Agency ignores own 'no safe' exposure determination

Lung Association Poll: Another Attempt to Influence Public Opinion in the Guise of Reporting It

“Of total respondents, 63% were in favor, 30% were opposed. So according to the ALA, the public supports tougher standards by 2 to 1. But since most respondents have probably never heard or thought about the issue until that moment, the results simply confirm what everybody already knows: Most people think air pollution is a bad thing and would prefer to have less of it.” []

EPA Fines School Bus Co. For Diesel Idling; Who will fine EPA for diesel idling?

So it’s not okay for school buses to idle, but EPA can idle a truck and pump its diesel exhaust into the lungs of elderly people?

From the Danbury Daily Voice:

Idling diesel engines emit pollutants, which can cause or aggravate a variety of health problems, including asthma and other respiratory diseases, and the fine particles in diesel exhaust are a likely human carcinogen,” the EPA said in the statement. “Diesel exhaust not only contributes to areawide air quality problems, but more direct exposure can cause lightheadedness, nausea, sore throat, coughing and other symptoms.

Click for EPA’s illegal human experiments.

A Connecticut bus company was fined after the Environmental Protection Agency saw several school buses idling in lots. Photo Credit: Flickr user Twix via Danbury Daily Voice
A Connecticut bus company was fined after the Environmental Protection Agency saw several school buses idling in lots. Photo Credit: Flickr user Twix via Danbury Daily Voice

Autism and early exposure to traffic pollution linked?

So where was all the autism from, say, 1940-1980 when U.S. air was not nearly as clean as it is today? In the 1950s and 1960s, Los Angeles air often hit ozone levels of 500 ppb — compare with today’s worst case levels of about 90 ppb. Pittsburgh-area air could contain more than 500+ micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter 50% of the time — compare with today’s worst-case of maybe 40-50 micrograms per cubic meter. Ouch, it must hurt epidemiologists to think. [Los Angeles Times]

NBC-17 Investigates: Inspector General investigating EPA testing in Chapel Hill

“The EPA declined to offer a comment Monday about the Inspector General’s announcement and continues to maintain that all studies conducted by EPA are independently evaluated for safety and ethics.” [NBC-17, Raleigh]

EPA Inspector General Announces Investigation of Illegal Human Testing

The EPA Office of the Inspector General just announced it will be investigating the illegal human testing by EPA scientists. [Click for the EPA OIG’s announcement]

EHP refuses to investigate EPA researcher misconduct

Environmental Health Perspectives editor Hugh Tilson today refused to investigate EPA researchers for scientific misconduct, offering instead to handle the matter as a mere “letter to the editor.”

Last week we transmitted to Tilson prima facie evidence that EPA researchers Andrew Ghio, Wayne Cascio and Martha Sue Carraway committed researcher misconduct by omitting material information from a September 2011 study.

There so far is no “good faith” dispute of the facts we presented. Allowing Ghio/Cascio/Carraway to escape investigation/prosecution by simply responding to a letter (likely in an obfuscatory manner) is unacceptable.

Obama halted EPA regs for political split second to plan massive 2013 environmental regs

“Obama was not kidding when he said that ‘voting is the best revenge’ because he may have the last laugh whether he gets re-elected or not.” [Kerry Picket, Washington Times]