California profits $1.2 billion from VW diesel settlement

No one hurt, but VW pays $14.7 billion anyway. State and federal bureaucrats get more money to further their bogus, junk science-fueled environmental programs. Continue reading California profits $1.2 billion from VW diesel settlement

EPA panel backs tough new ozone regs — after getting $200M in grants, lawsuit charges

EPA is looking to do the same with particulate matter. We aim to stop them. Continue reading EPA panel backs tough new ozone regs — after getting $200M in grants, lawsuit charges

Household fuels a major contributor to Beijing’s infamous air pollution

We’ve been saying this for years. Household fuels and traffic are Beijing’s air quality problem — not coal fired power plants, which actually reduce household fuel use. Continue reading Household fuels a major contributor to Beijing’s infamous air pollution

National Academy of Sciences reviewing EPA’s illegal human experiments

You remember… the ones where EPA made old, people, sick people, and children inhale high levels of diesel exhaust, chlorine gas, and smog in order to validate its junk science air quality epidemiology. Continue reading National Academy of Sciences reviewing EPA’s illegal human experiments