Are the New England Journal of Medicine and Harvard T.C. Chan School of Public Health Dishonest or Just Incompetent?

You probably know where I come down on this. A new study spotlights this issue in spades.

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Oh boy! Another new paper debunks EPA’s claim that reducing PM2.5 levels saves lives

EPA has claimed that reducing PM2.5 concentrations can save 570,000 lives in the U.S. every year (i.e., prevent one-quarter of all deaths annually).

Obama EPA chief, Gina “I illegally deleted 5,000 text messages so Chris Horner couldn’t read them” McCarthy.

Continue reading Oh boy! Another new paper debunks EPA’s claim that reducing PM2.5 levels saves lives

Epidemiologist Enstrom makes ‘medical’ journal an offer it can’t refuse

The New England Journal of Medicine recently stepped in it with the publication of bogus study on PM2.5 and death. I have called for the NEJM to retract the study. Jim Enstrom has a different suggestion.

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Retraction request made for NEJM air pollution-kills study

We will see how much of the U.S. scientific establishment is willing to have its reputation dragged into the gutter inhabited by the air pollution fraudsters.

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EPA-funded air quality researcher’s lab caught up in $120 million Duke University science falsification case

More EPA-funded air quality science fraud?

Lab mice tortured in a futile effort to validate EPA’s junk science-fueled air pollution propaganda.

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Winning… print version of our landmark California PM2.5 study now available!

I started this effort five years ago… the EPA mob tried to stop its publication… but here it is… the best-conducted epidemiologic study on PM2.5, finding no association between PM2.5 and 2+ million deaths in California during the year 2000-2012.

You can purchase the article here.

Click here for more info on the California study.

Read my new book “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA” for the study’s full story.

Swamp fights back on PM2.5: New study, same junk science

The swamp-funded “Scare Pollution” criminals are trying to save their reputations and funding with a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine, the editorial for which is titled, “Air Pollution Still Kills.” Horse hockey. So I corrected the editorial. My takedown of the study follows.

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Junk Science Week: Behind the scientific fraud that claims air pollution is killing people

My column for the Financial Post‘s “Junk Science Week.”

The only actual deaths ever attributable to PM2.5 in China have resulted from accidents caused by visibility problems.

Continue reading Junk Science Week: Behind the scientific fraud that claims air pollution is killing people

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Scare Pollution’ a Pulitzer Prize-worthy Piece of Investigative Journalism

From environmental expert and EPA pioneer Jay Lehr.

Buy “Scare Pollution” at

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