Tracinski: The Galileo of Global Warming

“The discoveries of the Galileo of global warming—to appreciate the irony, call Svensmark’s view the heliocentric theory—is out there, the evidence for it is building, and that fact can no longer be hidden or ignored.” Continue reading Tracinski: The Galileo of Global Warming

For Valentine’s Day: ‘We luv alarmists’?

“With Valentine’s Day coming up next week, and climate scientists continuing to come under relentless attacks by climate skeptic groups, a new campaign has sprung up to show some love for the scientists.” Continue reading For Valentine’s Day: ‘We luv alarmists’?

Skeptic brains ’emit fear signals that can disrupt attempts at rational thought’

Yup. That’s how a Canadian alarmist explains PM Stephen Harper’s lack of interest in global warming. Continue reading Skeptic brains ’emit fear signals that can disrupt attempts at rational thought’

More Climate ‘Ethics’: Astroturf, cyber-bullying and more!

“This is the third post in a series that examines the tactics of the climate change disinformation campaign through an ethical lens.” Continue reading More Climate ‘Ethics’: Astroturf, cyber-bullying and more!

Michaels: An Unsettling Week For Global Warming’s ‘Settled Science’

“Settled science would know all of the important “forcings” and “feedbacks” in the climate system, such as the sensitivity of surface temperature to changes in carbon dioxide (a forcing) and the behavior of clouds, which could either enhance or counter warming (a feedback).” Continue reading Michaels: An Unsettling Week For Global Warming’s ‘Settled Science’

People Haters: Access To Birth Control Is A Fundamental Component Of Climate Survival

Because preventing people is the best way to save them? Continue reading People Haters: Access To Birth Control Is A Fundamental Component Of Climate Survival

SciAm: Man-made climate change ‘began 3,500 years ago’

“Humans may have been causing climate change for much longer than we’ve been burning fossil fuels. In fact, the agrarian revolution may have started human-induced climate changes long before the industrial revolution began to sully the skies.” Continue reading SciAm: Man-made climate change ‘began 3,500 years ago’