Still yawning: ‘Leaked Heartland Institute documents pull back curtain on climate scepticism’

Yes, skeptics and alarmists are financially supported by backers. Anyone who thought otherwise wasn’t thinking. Continue reading Still yawning: ‘Leaked Heartland Institute documents pull back curtain on climate scepticism’

Fracking Melodrama in Ohio: ‘Unable to sleep at night because injections wells too close’?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich received anti-fracking Valentines yesterday. Continue reading Fracking Melodrama in Ohio: ‘Unable to sleep at night because injections wells too close’?

WashPost: Venture capitalists play key role in Obama’s Energy Department

Obama promised that special interests would not steer stimulus funds, but he relied on the investors to help guide stimulus decisions. Continue reading WashPost: Venture capitalists play key role in Obama’s Energy Department

IBD: With All The Volts Counted, Taxpayers Lose Again

“Doubling down on industrial policy failure, the administration decides to bump up the taxpayer subsidy for Government Motors’ touted electric car. Who said its range wasn’t enough to drive us to the poor house?” Continue reading IBD: With All The Volts Counted, Taxpayers Lose Again