Marcellus Shale gas-drilling company says EPA used faulty pollution data

“In the latest salvo over Marcellus Shale gas drilling in the embattled town of Dimock, a natural gas company on Tuesday alleged that federal regulators had cherry-picked old test data to distort the amount of contamination in drinking-water wells.” Continue reading Marcellus Shale gas-drilling company says EPA used faulty pollution data

House GOP asks OMB to Withdraw EPA’s Pending Greenhouse Gas Rule

“The proposed Waxman-Markey legislation was [already] rejected because it would have driven up energy prices and destroyed domestic jobs.” Continue reading House GOP asks OMB to Withdraw EPA’s Pending Greenhouse Gas Rule

Rep. Harris Questions Junk Science Regarding Hydraulic Fracturing

Gasland Creep Josh Fox didn’t deter Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md) from making his points against the EPA at today’s fracking hearing. Continue reading Rep. Harris Questions Junk Science Regarding Hydraulic Fracturing

Martyr-mania: Climate scientists not cowed by relentless climate change deniers

Following the lead of Katharine Hayhoe, it seems all alarmists are signing up for climate alarmism’s whine country tour. Continue reading Martyr-mania: Climate scientists not cowed by relentless climate change deniers

Gasland Creep: ‘When they kick me out… transparency in government goes out with me’

Except that the hearing was streamed live over the Internet. Continue reading Gasland Creep: ‘When they kick me out… transparency in government goes out with me’