It’s time to make cars great again, and Trump plan does just that

My op-ed in the Fresno Bee ahead of Monday’s public hearing on the Trump plan to rollback Obama’s pointless fuel economy standards.

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Here’s why Volvo Trucks is trying to kill American-made glider trucks does better investigative reporting than New York Times‘ self-proclaimed ‘investigative reporter’ Eric Lipton.

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Glider Trucks Caught in Deep State Double Standard

When the Obama EPA issued its rule to kill the glider truck industry in 2016, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the rule even though the Obama EPA failed to do the required benefit-cost analysis required by Executive Order No. 12866.

But when the Trump EPA sent the final rollback of the Obama rule to OMB earlier this year, the rule was rejected by OMB because no benefit-cost analysis for the rollback was included — no doubt the result of sabotage by EPA’s resistance bureaucrats and Volvo Trucks lobbying of OMB. That’s how the Deep State rolls. Former OMB-er Rick Belzer explained at yesterday’s House hearing on the glider controversy.

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Dirty Deeds Done Deep State Cheap: Rep. Bill Posey (R, FL-8) summarizes EPA-Volvo conspiracy against glider trucks

From today’s hearing before the House Space, Science and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcommittee on Environment — “Examining the Underlying Science and Impacts of Glider Truck Regulations”. Rep. Posey recounts how EPA and Volvo Trucks rigged the glider emissions tests.

Memo to Obama: You didn’t think of that

Last week, former President Obama reprised a theme from his 2012 campaign in an attack on President Trump. Misappropriating credit for the booming economy, Obama stated, “Let’s just remember when this recovery started.” This, of course, echoes what Obama said at a campaign rally on July 13, 2012, when he attacked individualism and capitalism by raving, “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that.” Here’s a possible origin of that bogus collectivist attack that was somehow handed down to Obama.

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Boom… EPA inspector general to investigate EPA staff-Volvo Trucks rigging of glider truck emissions test exposed this scandal in June. Three months later… here’s the EPA IG letter announcing the investigation (EPA Web Site|PDF).

Revealed: NESCAUM does bidding of enviro group in glider truck battle

New emails obtained from New York state show the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) giving new meaning to the “C” in Northeast States Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM).

EPA’s Bill Charmley

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Report: Rich country CO2 emissions underreported by 25%

Aaahhh… the Paris Climate Hoax…. “A new report out today from Buy Clean shows that 25 percent of the world’s carbon emissions pass through a loophole in climate policy and are not accounted for in the national emissions reduction targets set in the Paris climate agreement.”

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