EPA refuses to release conflict of interest disclosure forms for outside science advisors

More than secret science. Now we have secret conflicts of interest. Continue reading EPA refuses to release conflict of interest disclosure forms for outside science advisors

Bernie Sanders: We Must Fight Climate Change ‘In Military Terms,’ Fossil Fuel Money Controls GOP

Bernie says “we are being attacked” by climate change. Continue reading Bernie Sanders: We Must Fight Climate Change ‘In Military Terms,’ Fossil Fuel Money Controls GOP

Zero carbon emissions target to be enshrined in UK law

“The UK is already legally bound by the Climate Change Act to reduce emissions 80% by 2050, but a law mandating a 100% cut would mark a dramatic increase in ambition.” Continue reading Zero carbon emissions target to be enshrined in UK law

Substantial proportion of US measles cases intentionally unvaccinated

Good job Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Jenny McCarthy, Dierdre Imus and the rest of the anti-vaxx airheads. Continue reading Substantial proportion of US measles cases intentionally unvaccinated