4 thoughts on “US Bound by Climate Change Deal That Skirts Constitution, House Panel Told”

  1. After he takes the presidential oath in January 2017, President Donald Trump will begin rescinding every dubious presidential executive order issued by Barack Obama.

    I’m very optimistic.

  2. What is generally not known is that the authorization of the President to negotiate terms was enacted by stature decades ago.

    The problem before SCOTUS will be whether or not Congress must approve a proposed treaty after it has been negotiated or if Congress can give the President carte blanche to negotiate whatever he wants.

    In my opinion, the Founders did not intend for Congress to abdicate its power to advise and consent.

    The Congress may not abdicate its powers in respect of treaties. If that were so, Congress could turn the President into an Emperor by ceding its power to make law.

    Well as we know, Congress has been yielding power to an ever-increasing imperial presidency, probably from the time of the Civil War. This is a slippery slope down which America has been sliding for over a century.

  3. “Well, if it’s implemented as an Executive Order then all it takes is another Executive Order to rescind it.” (Science ABC123)

    Until a lawless court (enter the Roberts court) rules that executive orders, like the ancient laws of the Medes and Persians, cannot be repealed. Of course, some executive orders are more equal than others. Those would be the ones from Democratic party office holders.

    The strategy of the Left: tolerance when in the minority, tyranny when in the majority. Heads I win, tails you lose.

  4. Well, if it’s implemented as an Executive Order then all it takes is another Executive Order to rescind it.

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