‘Toothless’ climate change deal means Britain could be left pursuing ever tougher green targets

“Other countries may fail to deliver on their promises, MPs warn.” May? Even if they do, so what? Continue reading ‘Toothless’ climate change deal means Britain could be left pursuing ever tougher green targets

Lomborg: Climate treaty to cost world £1.2 trillion per year but accomplish nothing

I’m not sure anyone will do anything because of the climate treaty. Continue reading Lomborg: Climate treaty to cost world £1.2 trillion per year but accomplish nothing

Guardian: ‘Almost 200 countries sign historic pledge to hold global temperatures to a maximum rise of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels’

Now all they need to do is find the thermostat. Continue reading Guardian: ‘Almost 200 countries sign historic pledge to hold global temperatures to a maximum rise of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels’