Draft Paris Treaty: ‘Little more than a laundry list of directly opposing national options’

Only three weeks to go for the UN to design global energy systems, control the weather, and collect and divide hundreds of billions in booty! Continue reading Draft Paris Treaty: ‘Little more than a laundry list of directly opposing national options’

WaPo on NY AG’s Exxon investigation: A case of ‘political make-believe’

“Casting Exxon Mobil as the scapegoat for global warming’s dilemmas is historically inaccurate and a political cheap shot with troubling constitutional implications.” Continue reading WaPo on NY AG’s Exxon investigation: A case of ‘political make-believe’

Mark Whittington: After taking our SUVs, the global warmists are coming for our hamburgers

“Get ready for the law suits and the shakedown to follow. But Big Oil is just the first target. Big Beef is next.” Continue reading Mark Whittington: After taking our SUVs, the global warmists are coming for our hamburgers

NO… chemicals in the environment do not cause childhood cancer

Sorry… no study has ever credibly linked environmental exposures to chemicals or “pollution” with cancer in anyone. Also… Continue reading NO… chemicals in the environment do not cause childhood cancer