Long-time anti-meat vegetarian activist-researcher on WHO meat-cancer panel

I’ve been writing about National Cancer Institute’s meat-hating vegetarian Rashmi Sinha since 2000. Continue reading Long-time anti-meat vegetarian activist-researcher on WHO meat-cancer panel

Meteorologist Bastardi: Patricia doesn’t support the claim that hurricanes are getting stronger

When it comes to hurricanes, Big Joe knows what’s so. Continue reading Meteorologist Bastardi: Patricia doesn’t support the claim that hurricanes are getting stronger

Permafrost Panic: Alaskan soil thaw sends carbon directly back into atmosphere, claims new study

More fear than facts. Continue reading Permafrost Panic: Alaskan soil thaw sends carbon directly back into atmosphere, claims new study

Claim: Global warming could make Persian Gulf too hot for human habitation by 2100

Claim: Global warming could make Persian Gulf too hot for human habitation by 2100. CO2 going from 0.035% of the atmosphere to 0.045% doesn’t seem to be the region’s biggest worry. These other problems are more likely to cause greater depopulation sooner.

UN wants $30 billion to stop ‘desertification’ of land area the size of 4+ Californias

Supposedly 12 million hectares are lost each year to so-called “desertification.” Continue reading UN wants $30 billion to stop ‘desertification’ of land area the size of 4+ Californias