YU got ADD? I Do Too

The psych nonsense has been most apparent in the excessive effort to diagnose and suppress male energy.
In some places male energy is just not acceptable. You know, like the energy of Aristotle, Alexander, Caesar, Cicero, Augustine, Des Cartes, Voltaire, Einstein, Bohr, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Washington, Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, Teddy Roosevelt, Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens, Louie Armstrong, and Churchill as just a few of the many who were energetic and assertive.

Female influence is a fine thing, when properly exercised. Very civilizing. However, when in excess, it crushes vital forces of creativity and accomplishment in favor of good manners and getting along. A lot of bad mannered energetic and pushy people in the list of greats of history.
So now we have this crisis and boys are being medicated to stop their energy–and the society and culture will pay the price.

11 thoughts on “YU got ADD? I Do Too”

  1. No surprise, priapism is caused by adrenergic stimulators.
    Anti depressants can cause it. Stimulants.

  2. I would add that infantilizing the populace, suppressing independence and indiviuality (liberty) is accomplished by the nannies. As de Tocqueville predicted–the soft tyranny of a welfare state.
    It is no accident that the statist nannies and totalitarians want a compliant herd of sheep.
    No sheep dogs allowed in the Brave New World, the gov will take care of everybody.
    People need to be comfortably compliant taking their soma and watching their screens and enjoying inconsequential sex and recreation.
    Look around you and see all the entertainment going on, from little kids to older adults now.
    When I have family visits I find the children are now invisible behind their screens.
    one generation ago, the kids were allowed to demand attention. When I was a kid I was expected not to be seen when adults were visiting unless invited to make an appearance.
    John Dale Dunn MD JD Consultant Emergency Services/Peer Review Civilian Faculty, Emergency Medicine Residency Carl R. Darnall Army Med Center Fort Hood, Texas Medical Officer, Sheriff Bobby Grubbs Brown County, Texas 325 784 6697 (h) 642 5073 (c)

  3. Kids need exercise. It is normal for them to run, jump and be very active. This how they develop nerves, muscle and coordination. Drugging them into a stupor, like a substandard senior care hole, not only contributes to obesity, it retards natural growth.

  4. I am 64 and edit a magazine. I have always had the symptoms of ADD, distractibility and impulsiveness. At one point it seemed to be interfering with my career so I went to a psychiatrist to see if there really was a problem with my attention and ability to focus. He tested me and found that I am very ADD, not ADHD but ADD. He also told me that there was no need for medicine because I have already built up a whole repertoire of coping mechanisms that I developed over life and am doing fine—just try not to blurt out something when someone else is talking. I said ok and I watch myself so that I no longer talk before others are finished. Now whether this is a real thing or just a kind of personality, I do not know, but it seems that I do not need medicine now and probably never did, since I would not have developed ways to compensate if I were dosing myself with stimulants. And I find that my ADD helps with the creative aspects of my job, although it can be sometimes unnerving to others.

  5. When I was younger I had a terrible case of ADD-F, or Female Attention Deficit Disorder. I just couldn’t get enough attention from the females of the species to meet my, uh, “needs.”

  6. They tried to get us to put our son on meds in the 4th grade because he was so “busy”. I told the teacher that’s what boys do at that age, and I was not putting him on meds. I suggested that she might consider teaching another grade, or finding another line of work if 4th grade boys were too challenging for her.

  7. “Attention-Deficit-Oh Look! There’s a pretty butterfly!”
    I have two high-IQ kids. They quickly lose interest in things that are boring. They also can home in on things that do interest them and stay with them for hours. The secret is to encourage their interests, and to turn their activities of interest into educational experiences.

  8. When I was in elementary school we had 3 half hour free time recesses every day. And we ran. All over that playground, up and down the slide, back and forth on the swing and all the other equipment. And NO GIRLS ALLOWED! They mostly just stood around talking and sometimes playing hopscotch. And talking and talking and talking. Blah!

  9. I have it, I didn’t finish the article. The “fun” part about being a Scoutmaster 20+ years ago was having to track all the meds, mostly for ADD, the 11-15 year olds were taking. It seemed to be the younger ones who were drugged up. Lot’s of activity seemed to reduce the need for drugs. One of my neighbors has ADD, before it was a known disease. He said his doctor told him “boy, you need to do some running to burn off all that energy.” He has been doing that for the last 70 years. Maybe the real treatment is finding a way to burn off some excess energy.
    Do we really expect little boys to sit around calmly all the time?

  10. Civilisation is maladaptive. The pharmaceutical industry is suppressing the population it recruits from.

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