Wasting 28 Billion Dollars in America

That’s the cost of vitamins and supplements annually in the U.S.
Studies recently reported no benefit for taking supplements and vitamins except in some special circumstances. Folate in pregnancy is a good example to prevent neural tube defects.
Why do you suspect that I knew that and I am not impressed with the claims made?
Continue reading Wasting 28 Billion Dollars in America

1984 Education Programs Coming to Your Home Town

Common core is a fraudulent collectivist statist educational program for all the states, sponsored by elites and the state.
It threatens academic inquiry and excellence and assures mediocrity of content, conformity of thought.
If successful it will extinguish liberty and freedom, and promote censorship and tyranny of ideas.
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Wake Up Researchers

This is a little essay from a person who is clearly conflicted about the problems of psych research, a very unreliable area of research.
I thought her anxieties about the research well worth the consideration.
Continue reading Wake Up Researchers

Boys to Men–or Not–Kay Hymowitz

You might say–well what does junkscience.com have to do with social sciences and child rearing?
OOOOOhhhh, I don’t know, except that anyone committed to good inquiry and sensible, well informed policy making can’t help but wonder about the social sciences and what will we do about raising a generation that might be able to be competent adults. That means we have to look at the issues and the studies in the soft social sciences. What could be more intriguing for hard science aficionados?
Continue reading Boys to Men–or Not–Kay Hymowitz

Sensible Medicine Discussion

Gorski provides insight and analysis on evidence based medicine, that might promote better medical decision making, even reduce waste and unnecessary even risky procedures or treatments.
I liked it.

An experiment in paying through the nose for “unnecessary care”