Down Goes Ehrlich, Gates Gasps in Horror

I’d say that the Club of Rome and Paul Ehrlich were the biggest losers on enviro/economic issues of the 20th century.
Thomas Malthus get’s the prize for the 19th.
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It's Medicaid, Writ Large

The last 3 or 4 years of talk about the comprehensive “solution” that is Obamacare have been riding on the delusion that it is some sophisticated hybrid private/gov system of healthcare insurance. Not so. Socialists are not fixers, they are takers and haters.
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How Risky are You?

Risk averse behavior is certainly one aspect of the precautionary principle.
In public policy the government role is expanded in a risk averse population. The cost of risk averse behavior and the unintended consequences are significant.
Here’s another take–medical care in America is more expensive for sure because of risk averse behavior.

Spain is a Dangerous Place?

Report on the economic decline with resulting loss of health care safety net resources in Spain.
You think it’s not possible in places that are equally committed to a national health system and equally economically shaky?
I would beg to differ–health care is a big burden for advanced care and profligacy is not without risk.
As Uncle Miltie said–no free lunch.

Damn Mandates and Subsidies

Renewable fuels mandate is about ethanol mostly, and farmers are on the horns of a dilemma. Farmer war is one way to look at it.
Ranchers and livestock/feedlot farmers versus the guys with 200,000 dollar tractors with 4 big wheels and lots of row crops–owners of the ultimate boy toys.
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Alternative Energy Killers

Marita Noon is a reliable and effective writer, regular columnist at Town Hall, lecturer and ally fighting goofy environmentalism and warming issues.
She also is a bird lover like most of us hard bitten conservatives. What’s not to love about a raptor, even a little finch?
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