Weather Channel Ice Capades

Two days ago I watched a dramatic presentation on Weather Channel on the disappearance of Arctic ice.
Featured, pointing at a map animation of ice disappearing from the Arctic was some anxious metro sexual.
The latest satellite info shows Arctic ice increased 29%. WOOPS weather channel.

I was irritated the Weather Channel would go crazy making catastrophic predictions, but couldn’t help but wonder if they did the animation before this past year and just saved it up for a slow day. However, the Weather Channel is not a Weather Channel–they are propagandists for the environmentalists/socialists and who could fault them for a little scientific tunnel vision.
Weather Channel started with great people at the helm like John Coleman, the charming man now camped out in San Diego, and Joe D’Aleo, official meteorologist at Weather Channel for the first years. Both Coleman and D’Aleo are people I met in meeting of the great club of skeptics of man caused catstrophic warming. I am a proud junior member since I am a biologist and don’t do math and hard science.
Now the channel is run by a coven of warming political true believers and even evil denizens of the dark side of agit prop, like Heidi Cullen, who wanted the American Meteorological Society to expel anyone who criticized her and the warming fanatic fringe.
I knew I would have refutation of the Weather Channel proposed propaganda piece soon, and here it is.
Of course the best evidence is the yachts that were optimistic about transiting the Northwest Passage that is supposedly ice free–and too bad–they were wrong.

13 thoughts on “Weather Channel Ice Capades”

  1. Only because the Dark Ages politics ran out of manpower. Now, with better energy efficiency and automation, human resources are no longer a problem

  2. john1282 does not need to be shy about being a biologist. Biology is one of very few hard sciences that has been continuously successful in finding things out (as opposed to making things up).

  3. ..because that would require intelligence and drive on the part of the viewer….most folks wouldn’t know obvious science if it hit them in the face.

  4. If they put out things that are obviously, clearly not true and that you can check immediately, why would we believe anything they tell us?

  5. I thiink we are giving them too much credit. Other than Bimbo Cullen, I don’t the the Weather Channel really has all that much agenda other than to drive ratings. And sensationalism drives ratings. Sensationalism doesn’t require accuracy, research or corrective statements. It only needs something from which to create 5 second sound bites. If you doubt this, note what WC has become: a purveyor of sensationalised drivel (“When Weather Made History”, et al) in the mold of all the other ‘reality’ programming like “Keeping up with the Kardashians”, Moonshiners”, ad nauseum. The old days of a text scrolling onscreen 24/7 ‘just-the-facts-m’am’ reporting are toast.

  6. Heidi Cullen, the number one reason I quit watching the Weather Channel. It was bad enough that they treated global warming as a proven, but Cullen treated anyone who disagreed as an idiot, a Luddite, misguided, or a shill for Big Oil. Smug arrogance has always turned me off, so I turned them off.
    As far as sticking to the arctic ice disappearing cannard, never let a setback make you re-examine your position. For millions of viewers, they have no idea that the arctic ice did a record rebound this year. I’m sure the Weather Channel hopes that next year returns to ice loss. Then they can bury this year in the memory hole. Oops, I guess they won’t have to bury anything since they never addressed it in the first place..

  7. WC is owned by NBC, which is owned by GE, which makes tons of money off of wind turbines. Always follow the money.

  8. I don’t recall many gloom and doom predictions that have come true. It seems that they should be careful to hype the event after it happens. The cute part seems to be they are not held to public account for blowing the prediction.

  9. John Coleman’s forecast here in San Diego is the best. Especially since he uses his insights and experience to point out where he disagrees with the computer models.

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