Wanna Know Why I Consider Public Health People Creepy?

Just read this smarmy and self congratulatory piece by some Public Health public relations shill.
After reading it, ask yourself the question–is this author a legitimate representative of the American Healthcare system or a visitor from Mars?

4 thoughts on “Wanna Know Why I Consider Public Health People Creepy?”

  1. worse, they are always working the public relations/promotion game–cause they know they aren’t doing anything worth while so they have to create a “save” or a “benefit” that they can point to as proof of their value.
    even saving us from things that aren’t dangerous can make a press release.

  2. I’ve noticed that a lot of them are like dumpster divers. They go to the landfill of history and dig out some old moldy, discarded, disproven health scare from the past and re-cycle it.

  3. you get it. public health people are like journalist–all ambition and good intentions and ego.
    and not real skills or competence or wisdom.
    My they do know how to pump up their self image and sell themselves as saviors.

  4. Only a graduate student and he’s already cultivation an enormous ego – identifying himself with the generic ‘public health’ in just the first paragraph AND using the editorial plural…

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