2 thoughts on “This is Easy–Warmers Lose this Round”

  1. Sadly, most warmists swapped the “global warming” moniker and “hotter and drier” proofs for “climate change” and “wacky weather” as easily as changing a pair of slippers. Most think so shallowly, that they aren’t aware that this is a complete rebuttal of all climate hysteria evidence prior to 5-10 years ago.
    With an enabling media, government, and academia, no one has had to explain why they are now describing a completely different catastrophe senario than they were 20 years ago, when they first declared that something must be done. It’s a crime (literally) that none of these groups have the intellectual honesty to point out that climatologists really “don’t know what the hell they’re talking about”.

  2. Quick!! ban and confiscate all thermometers so us ignorant masses will not be able to tell what the temperature is.

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