Sweet Revenge

in olden days some guy named Mawson was sailing (that’s what they had before those evil fossil fuel engines) along on the shores of the Antarctica.
Now the people trying to duplicate his cruise of discovery are trapped and their saviors are trapped.
Now I will admit that I, a stupid emergency physician, advised against this cruise, given a colder trend in the Northern hemisphere that did not bode well for teh Southern, but no one listened.
I also agree that no matter what they say, if there is warming–and there ain’t, it could circulate more water vapor and cause more snow and ice in a perpetually cold place like Antarctica

5 thoughts on “Sweet Revenge”

  1. Fortunately global warming combined with the effects fo the ozone hole will allow them to grow a vegan diet with little difficulty.

  2. Did they not know about the fate of Shackelton’s ship Endurance? They were trapped in the sea ice and the crew survived two years (including a full year after the destruction of the ship in the ice flow) before rescue. I hope these greeenies don’t mind a diet of seal and penguin after the food runs out.

  3. “Well, yes we are trapped in ice over ten feet thick where we claimed there would be open water and the ice breakers can’t get near us, but we still think—“.

  4. Latest on the effort so far here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-12-30/australian-icebreaker-abandons-attempt-to-reach-stranded-resear/5179008.
    Bottom line up front: the Aussie ship (most capable of the three on the scene) had to turn back 10 nautical miles short due to another bout of bad weather. They’re likely to try again when that clears. Meanwhile the passengers are all having a “fantastic adventure,” and won’t run out of vodka rations for another 2-4 weeks yet.
    Thank good ness for that global warming which made it all possible….

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