Weather Channel Ice Capades

Two days ago I watched a dramatic presentation on Weather Channel on the disappearance of Arctic ice.
Featured, pointing at a map animation of ice disappearing from the Arctic was some anxious metro sexual.
The latest satellite info shows Arctic ice increased 29%. WOOPS weather channel.
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Michael Economides, RIP

University of Houston professor, climate skeptic, editor and friend Michael Economides passed away over the weekend. Economides was the first to expose the practical impossibilities of carbon capture and storage. Remember him as a champion of science. Help defeat warmism and carbon capture and storage in his memory.

Driessen Goes Downtown

Paul Driessen writes a regular column for Townhall, and is an ally of those who propose sensible policy on energy and environment issues. He and I agree with few quibbles.
He is a spokesperson and writer for Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) that pushes back on fanatic enviros with a particular emphasis on the negative impact of environmentalist nonsense on the welfare of 3rd World people.
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