You think there are supplements or additives or changes in diet that will make magic?
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Month: December 2013
Morano Kicks
Goreham Gets a Hit
Steve Goreham is a prolific and articulate writer and lecturer on climate issues.
Invented, far as I can tell, the term Climatism to characterize the fanatic movement. Title of his first book and part of the title of his second.
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Heating Up the Climate Debate in the UK
Received this forward from Joe Bast, at Heartland, discussing the UK parliament’s ongoing inquiry into enviro and climate issues and the recent IPCC assertions in the latest report.
Our experts, named below, comment. The Non Governmental Panel on Climate Change is acronymed NIPCC and has published 3 comprehensive books on climate to be found at the web site. lead editors for the first two books were Craig Idso, expert in particular on carbon dioxide, and Fred Singer, iconic figure who goes back to the first weather satellites.
The Third book was this year and added Robert Carter as a lead editor, focused on the physical sciences related to climate science, the two previous books published by the NIPCC included biology and paleontology and a broader subject content. I particularly liked their chapter 9 discussions on human health effect research.
Joe’s message:
A committee of the British Parliament issued a request for replies to a series of questions about the Intergovernmental International Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) latest report. Robert Carter, Craig Idso, Fred Singer, and Willie Soon, writing on behalf of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), rose to the challenge and submitted comments, which have now been published alongside comments by an impressive list of other climate experts:
The NIPCC comments appear near the end of the list of submissions.
Give Me Your Children Says the Statist
Charles Battig, a physician and essayist on environmental and other policy issues, provides an excellent critique of what is going on in our schools that can’t teach kids to read and figure, but they sure can teach them the propaganda of the lefty enviros.
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Addictionology is Big Time Junk Science
Theodore Dalrymple is soon to be beatified in my saints of essayists chapel.
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Winter Advisory
The rate of infectious respiratory disease and deaths goes up in the winter.
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Warmers Are Still Wrong
Monckton provides commentary.
Big Thoughts on Science
This essay by Thomas Sheahen, PhD in physics from MIT, is above my IQ, but worth the read.
The part I liked was his explanation of the implications of Quantum Mechanics as the successor to the Newtonian Classical Mechanics and that Richard Feynman said it was impossible to understand quantum mechanics. Thank goodness, I thought it was just me.
Sheahen stunned me with his little lecture about faith and trust in certain areas of legitimate science–since I am a proud skeptic looking for reliable evidence, testability and reproducibility.
The author explains that I might have to change my approach and devotion to evidence. I am still holding out.
NYT Report Wrong on Small Particles–Why Not?
Here is a silly NYTimes reporter’s analysis of the risk of breathing small particle-tainted air. As Milloy always says–show us the bodies. No fair just counting deaths, got to do a medical investigation.
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Bad Staph is New? You Kiddin'
Here is an astounding article that makes the case for the new terrible and resistant staph.
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YU got ADD? I Do Too
The psych nonsense has been most apparent in the excessive effort to diagnose and suppress male energy.
In some places male energy is just not acceptable. You know, like the energy of Aristotle, Alexander, Caesar, Cicero, Augustine, Des Cartes, Voltaire, Einstein, Bohr, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Washington, Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, Teddy Roosevelt, Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens, Louie Armstrong, and Churchill as just a few of the many who were energetic and assertive.
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