Another Stupid Biofuel

You can’t make this stuff up. Renewables projects are the playground of air heads. Here’s another stupid idea, jatropha–a bush now promoted as an alternative fuel source. Sorta like cane and corn to ethanol and canola oil for diesel additive. I am breathless with anticipation on the breakthrough that is jatropha.
Another waste of land and good resources to produce an inferior energy source that benefits from green projects and renewable fanaticism. Almost as maddening as taking away some remaining tiger and orangutan habitat, taking down forest for an inefficient plant that requires a carbon using process to be converted to fuel.
Any physicist can splain to you, if you believe in plants, that plants be made of compounds that are not energy dense–they must be converted by a process that takes energy to make something that has concentrated energy. Compression makes coal and petrol dense–they are cooked down in high pressure earth mantel.
Here’s the interesting thing.
We used to burn wood,because it had more electron bonds and energy than burning weeds and manure and trash, then we moved up to coal and oil because, by golly the physics favored our choice–high energy concentrations, now we are going back down the energy ladder? Help me out here, is that progress? Look at the waste of land and resources, even carbon imprint required because of the renewable religion of coalophobia and petrolophobia.
I know nuclear would be better, but that’s another lesson.,
Often wrong but never in doubt, the geniuses of the green community. Repeat after me–for miles driven ethanol produces more carbon dioxide because it is less energy dense. Moreover ethanol burns hotter and is hydrophilic so it is hard on engine parts. Ethanol adds increase the cost of fuel, it has a big land, carbon and water use footprint, and it only survives because of the politics of the ethanol mandate and a little thing called the Iowa caucuses along with our friends at Archer Daniels Midlands and the farmers who are getting rich on high priced corn while mexicans can’t afford tortillas.
Damn shame.
Read about jatropha below–it’s probably more stupid than ethanol if that is possible. After that, class dismissed.

More on Core

Core Curriculum has been a subject here recently, since aficionados are naturally inclined to pedagogical matters.
Even as diagnosticians or analysts junkscience devotees are obligated to consider, for example, the vectors and etiologies of the ignorance that create and allow junk science.
If junk science is the product of corruption and ignorance–we probably should be concerned about primary, secondary and higher education curricula.
Continue reading More on Core

Solar Strikes Out Every Time

Norm Rogers is an excellent analyst because he is.
I know him from his writing and previous take downs of stupid ideas in enviro/energy matters.
He had a successful career as an evil capitalist, and I applaud him for it.
So Norm gets top billing at American Thinker today, but look at the archives and you will see, this ain’t his first rodeo.
Continue reading Solar Strikes Out Every Time

Fracking is REEEALLY SCARY, Send Donations to. . .

I am astounded at the ignorance of people about fracking–it doesn’t contaminate ground water, it’s safe and important for progress and energy self sufficiency.
Hysterical reactions and media hype, and of course time for enviro organizations to put out scares to pump up donations.
Continue reading Fracking is REEEALLY SCARY, Send Donations to. . .

What Cancer Epidemic?

Every place I have lived people claimed some kind of Cancer epidemic.
Cancer is a disease of the aged, and the common element of the cells is multiploidy or multiples of the normal genome compliment.
Cancer is on the decline inspite of the EPA claim that they find carcinogens everywhere.
From the National Cancer Institute’s article
For the past two decades, both the incidence and mortality of cancer in America has been in decline. Earlier, in the 1990s, the rate of decline was quite rapid, all things considered, largely due to rather astounding reductions in smoking that followed the first Surgeon General’s report in 1964 (cancers from smoking both develop over at least a decade or more, and decline with a similar lag period after quitting).
A new report published in the journal Cancer documents the continuation of this salutary trend. However, the rate of reduction in both death and incidence (new cancers) has slowed quite a bit, again owing largely to the slower fall in smoking rates over the past 10 years or so.
From 2001 through 2010, death rates for all cancers combined decreased by 1.8 percent a year among men and by 1.4 percent a year among women, according to the joint report from some of the nation’s top cancer institutions (including the CDC, the NCI and the American Cancer Society).
“The four major cancers — lung, colorectal, breast and prostate — represent over two-thirds of the decline,” study author Brenda Edwards, a senior advisor for cancer surveillance at the U.S. National Cancer Institute, told HealthDay News.
Let’s see, EPA says cancer is a big problem, and air as well as every other thing they have identified as a carcinogen in their silly rat tests is raising havoc int he population, but the NCI says that cancer is in decline.
Maybe we should reconsider the EPA effort to take us back to those good old days?

That's the Culprit, the Thing

Remember that The Thing was a monster discovered from an alien landing in Antarctica.
Now Antarctica is biting back.
Here is the NYT warning us about Antarctic ice–like it’s malicious.

Sweet Revenge

in olden days some guy named Mawson was sailing (that’s what they had before those evil fossil fuel engines) along on the shores of the Antarctica.
Now the people trying to duplicate his cruise of discovery are trapped and their saviors are trapped.
Now I will admit that I, a stupid emergency physician, advised against this cruise, given a colder trend in the Northern hemisphere that did not bode well for teh Southern, but no one listened.
I also agree that no matter what they say, if there is warming–and there ain’t, it could circulate more water vapor and cause more snow and ice in a perpetually cold place like Antarctica

2013 Dumb, 2014 Dumber

Here they come, the true believers.
And there is no denying that the true believer thugs have no fear–they will roll the opposition unless the opposition sucks it up.

Climate change debate ready to heat up in 2014 as major aspects of Obama’s climate plan come to fruition

Clarice, 1984, and a Salute to Milloy. asks questions and challenges assumptions on matters of scientific inquiry that impact public opinion and political policy making.
Pretentions of establishment funded and designated “experts” are evaluated with a skeptical eye.
Continue reading Clarice, 1984, and a Salute to Milloy.