Fracking Anxiety in Maryland

Can’t be too careful in Maryland. After all, they’re drilling more than 5000 feet down and somebody could have missed something in all those other studies, somebody who didn’t CARE. This is a chance to protect the public and make a statement against progress and in favor of the children or . . . . whatever.
Study on the way, Maryland Health Department says they have no intention to recommend for or against fracking.
And I am Michael Jordan.–gas-drilling-public-health.html

One thought on “Fracking Anxiety in Maryland”

  1. Oh, the liberal fools wouldn’t talk to the oil and gas commissions in big producing states to find out what really is going on and what safe guards are needed by the production companies in order to do the processes with minimal impact. The process has been around since the mid-20th Century (or before) and can be done with NO harm to potable water sources.
    By the way, what they are worried about is the fracture (frac-ture) stimulation of a wellbore in the production horizon of the reservoir. The process is generally called “fraccing”. The companies “frac” a well and they use frac tanks to hold the fluid for the process. They use “frac sand” as the proppant to keep the fractures open. Yes, frac and fraccing are the correct spellings and I get it from my friend who was a completion and production engineer for many years. I myself had to work with all the folks that had to deal with the left over frac sand (if the well didn’t take it) from the wellhead, location facilities, pipelines and, all the production and plant facilities.

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