My old horse Buster (31) thought he was ok living here in Texas where our winter lasts about 2 weeks and doesn’t often go below 20,
BUUUTTT Buster’s got a blanket on and he’s wondering about my judgment on where to live, and asking for more food in the morning.
Think about the stress for pets and domestic animals in the open in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin. I lived in Iowa and Nebraska and went to high school in Wisconsin. It’s hard on a body and turns you to depression and drinkin’. We need some warming but we’re not gettin it like was promised from the IPCC and the goofs at East Anglia.
remember this one?
Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
But our fraud is so delightful,
So off to Poland we’ll go,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
We have no plans for stopping,
And your cash we’ll soon be copping;
The curly lights really blow,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
When we’ve given you a good fright,
About some drought or a storm;
And if we get our way you might,
Not be able to keep yourself warm.
As long as the cash is flowing,
At forty below and freezing,
We will say the ice is melting.
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.
The fraud is slowly dying,
Because of no warming,
And, my dear, we’re all still lying,
As long as you are paying.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Smart cat!
His Nibs did not go for his usual morning constitutional today. I was clearing 5 inches or so from the driveway at 15F.
I really don’t know how cold-resistant cats are. When I was young, our cats went outdoors, but only for short periods. My small dog does well outside, but she’s a pomeranian with enough fur for two dogs. Generally, the problem with indoor/outdoor critters is they don’t get their paw pads toughened up and their feet get cold. My pommie is like that–we let her out the door we can most easily fetch her in from when it gets down close to zero or below. She cries and puts a foot up in the air, but she usually does make it back in. Just be sure the cat stays out from under the hood of the car–bad things happen. Hope your cat figures out warm and cozy is better than cold and lonely outdoors!
We have an orange tabby tomcat who decided to move in last May. He’s very much an indoor-outdoor cat but the very cold weather emphasizes the “indoor” part.
I’m a bit worried that he’ll slip out on a very cold day when sweetheart goes to work and he’ll be stuck outside for a few hours, but he won’t use any shelter we’ve tried to offer him. I hope he’ll figure out to go outside only when someone is home and can let him back in.
Those blasted skeptics! They are running all around the nation cranking thermometers down!
Buck up, John. You can really enjoy winter in Texas if it comes on a weekend.
RC – You got that right. It will be “unprecedented” next week and all our fault!
You have to be tough to live in Wyoming! We had a St.Bernard/Golden retriever cross dog that would come out in a blizzard and/or -20 degrees F and want someone to come outside and play with him! (He lived outside.) It is very hard on the deer and especially the antelope. They are starting to form large herds now as they do when the cold weather arrives. The antelope don’t run much in cold–one supposes the large group is to minimize the need to run. We are forecast to hit -20 or -25 degrees. This is the same as it was in the early 80’s when the temperatures stayed below freezing for months and the snow stayed all winter. It’s not new–but I am sure people who thought the recent mild winters here were the “new” climate are in for a shock!