Yesterday I made the second leg of a trip back home to Texas from Omaha, and in Northern Texas ice was 1 inch and more on the roads. The ice is so damn thick in the pasture that my horses look goofy walking around because they are scared of falling.
However this link shows that the Texas ice Storm is part of a generally cold period that is blanketing the country.
Our ally Gordon Fulks, physicist and climate expert from Oregon has been giving us notice about remarkable cold.
More on the reports linked below from CFACT and Climate Depot, which is run by that Godfather of the Warming Deniers–Mark Morano.
and here’s a good one on the threat of cooling and an ice age from a an old timer, provided as a 1923 news item by Steve Goddard. It appears that the benefits of carbon dioxide were known many years ago.
There is a simple solution to this for the global warmers. Obama can issue an Executive Order banning and confiscating all thermometers, including those used in hospitals, (there is probably such an order in the ACA if anyone could dig deep enough to find it). Violators would immediately be thrown into a den of lions. This way no one would know what the actual temperatures are and would have to take the “expert’s” word for it.”
I’ve been suggesting for a while that all the CO2 we could put back into the atmosphere from fossil fuels would just be restoring it to where it started and keeping the climate from continuing on its long-term cooling trend. Seems I’m far from the first person to suggest that.
I notice that the news was VERY clear that one can’t take one cold spell as indicative of climate change and that we are STILL in global warming. I suppose they didn’t get the note that it is now global climate change so any change can be used as verification that things are BAD.
It is hiding in your local Masonic auditorium. That is the real inner secret of the chamber!
As I understand it we are still having global warming. All the excess heat is just hiding. Maybe it’s hiding in the Texas ice.
You think it’s cold in Texas? Pshaw, y’all:
(Being Seth Boring-green, he couldn’t resist a comment at the very end about how one reading in one place doesn’t mean anything with regard to historical trends, et cetera. That of course ignores the fact that the exact same logic kills the idea of a man-made “ozone hole,” but whatever. It’s Seth. I’m a touch surprised he mentioned the story at all.)
I think the alarmists new angle is that global warming causes the planet to cool, so what we need is global cooling to warm things up again. With the temp data so messed up with “corrections” it is hard to compare current cold against say the 70’s, so we have to take their word for it
Even though the ice has abated somewhat my commute tonight was three times normal because of all the spin outs. Friday evening it was almost impossible to drive because of the slick ice on the road. At least in Arlington.
Think what it would be like if we didn’t have “global warming”.