Boys to Men–or Not–Kay Hymowitz

You might say–well what does have to do with social sciences and child rearing?
OOOOOhhhh, I don’t know, except that anyone committed to good inquiry and sensible, well informed policy making can’t help but wonder about the social sciences and what will we do about raising a generation that might be able to be competent adults. That means we have to look at the issues and the studies in the soft social sciences. What could be more intriguing for hard science aficionados?

Hymowitz, in my humble opinion, is a giant in the field of modern anthropology, child rearing, and studies of particularly the problems of male children. She puts up some important assertions on boy raising and development here:
And she gets some flack from WSJ journalist James Toranto, who specializes in media matters.
Important stuff–half the population is at risk if we don’t figure out how to build in some appropriate things to assure proper boy development. It sure ain’t happenin’ now.
We got thugs, peacocks, numbskulls and pajama boys–and who’s gonna do the heavy lifting in the future?

4 thoughts on “Boys to Men–or Not–Kay Hymowitz”

  1. Mine can only be an exception after the fact.
    The rather silly and inane statements made by the author of this supposed study do not address even her own observations.

  2. the studies and discussion cited can’t possibly address your exception.
    And I am happy for you.
    I take care of a jail so I see the failures.
    John Dale Dunn MD JD Consultant Emergency Services/Peer Review Civilian Faculty, Emergency Medicine Residency Carl R. Darnall Army Med Center Fort Hood, Texas Medical Officer, Sheriff Bobby Grubbs Brown County, Texas 325 784 6697 (h) 642 5073 (c)

  3. I have two boys – neither are thugs, numbskulls, peacocks or pajama boys.
    I have raised them on my own for over 14 years and they more than pull their weight. As a matter of fact, I don’t know where I’d be without them.
    They are courteous, polite, well-mannered, hard-working (whether with their studies or work), respectful, generous, thoughtful, loyal and contemplative.
    My eldest (now 26 years of age) remarked to me, just recently, that he was glad his father was no longer a part of his life as he now understood what it meant to be a man.
    I offer no excuses or apologies, but I raised my boys as I raised my girl: to be all of the above, without reservation.
    More importantly, they are each an individual…. and no, none of them are gay.

  4. Amazing. Social scientists have just discovered that boys are different than girls? I thought that came under intuitively obvious to the most casual oberver. Especially if that casual observer was the father children of both sexes or had done something like being a Scoutmaster.

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