Butterworth Talks Chemoriskophobia

This essay is about surveys of professionals involved in assessing chemical/toxicological risks.
Very enlightening and more sensible than what we see in the political forums and the media. These professionals are properly concerned about the political “consensus” and the fanatic influence, and would prefer more science, less hysteria.

Common Core Curriculum Criticisms

Larry Arnn PhD, president of Hillsdale College, spent some time as Director of Research for Martin Gilbert, the official biographer for Churchill, at Oxford. Arnn speaks below to the question of a good education and he doesn’t approve of the aims and the content of the Common Core program being implemented across the nation. He draws a parallel with trends in governmental bureaucracy and loss of liberty.

Killer Winter in Thailand? Call the IPCC

Winter brings respiratory illnesses that make it a killer–pneumonia being the major culprit.
I looked at my handy dandy globe and found that Thailand is a semi tropical place.
The points to be made–even in mild climates winter is a killer, AND it appears that Thailand ain’t gonna be so mild this year.
You might recall that the major respiratory illnesses peak in winter, the viral and bacterial illness, flu and such.
Pneumonia is a devastating disease in the elderly. Influenza is bad for old and young and pregnant woman and immune suppressed people like diabetics and people on medications that reduce resistance.

Fracking Anxiety in Maryland

Can’t be too careful in Maryland. After all, they’re drilling more than 5000 feet down and somebody could have missed something in all those other studies, somebody who didn’t CARE. This is a chance to protect the public and make a statement against progress and in favor of the children or . . . . whatever.
Study on the way, Maryland Health Department says they have no intention to recommend for or against fracking.
And I am Michael Jordan.