1984 Education Programs Coming to Your Home Town

Common core is a fraudulent collectivist statist educational program for all the states, sponsored by elites and the state.
It threatens academic inquiry and excellence and assures mediocrity of content, conformity of thought.
If successful it will extinguish liberty and freedom, and promote censorship and tyranny of ideas.

We all know, at junkscience.com that education is the key to functional adults.
Socialists are not striving to create independent thought–agreed?
Socialists are committed to state control of the collective–agreed?
An educated and independent minded citizenry threatens socialism.
Here is a series of essays on Common Core by Michelle Malkin, who has taken up the cause to defeat it. It is well funded and supported, including Gates money. Melinda Gates is the usual limosine liberal with a large opinion of her superiority.
Money will do that.
There are many others arrayed against Common Core, but the usual socialist suspects in favor. John Dewey isn’t dead.
Malkin has been an effective polemicist on the issue. Ms. Crossin is a Hoosier Mother committed to stopping the Big Brother project.
Recall this is a bipartisan project–the Bushes are in favor of this socialist nonsense, being Yalies.
Here is a discussion about how to stop common core, from the heartland, at the grass roots, Ms. Crossin.

Well meaning collectivists (you can call them Commies) don’t care about results or solving problems, they care about power and control.

4 thoughts on “1984 Education Programs Coming to Your Home Town”

  1. I do not know what the jury saw, but I have some reason to suspect that electronic control systems may be susceptible to certain problems (in the cites below, European RoHS unleaded solder may erupt with tin whiskers).
    THEREFORE your example may be flawed – ‘Dark Age reasoning’ might not apply to this example. Keep in mind also: ‘bit flips’ do occur every day, and each critical system needs to tolerate them. They are not all that mysterious.
    I have to agree that ‘we’ are not as good at reasoning as we should be, right now; I do not know if Common Core will make it worse.
    ====supporting links below=====
    (Note: At least one of the researchers involved below, to whom I spoke, were unhappy with how the gov’t was influenced by Toyota in how their summarised results were phrased. This implies that you can’t just read the summary and come up with the right conclusion.)

  2. The jury that found that electronic defects in a Toyota Motor Corp. vehicle caused the car it to accelerate out of control and crash into a wall, killing a passenger and seriously injuring the driver were educated in American schools prior to common core. They used Dark Age witchcraft reasoning where mysterious bit flips caused mayhem in a car.
    Common Core is not the problem with our populous, It is the inability to reason.

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