Three Billionaire Warmist Stooges embarrass themselves in WaPo pretending that America hasn’t already considered global warming

MIchael Bloomberg, Hank Paulson and Tom Steyer write in the WaPo:

If the United States were run like a business, its board of directors would fire its financial advisers for failing to disclose the significant and material risks associated with unmitigated climate change.

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7 thoughts on “Three Billionaire Warmist Stooges embarrass themselves in WaPo pretending that America hasn’t already considered global warming”

  1. Unfortunately Bob, they have, are and will continue to spend a great deal of their own money to fund green activists.
    But what is a few millions in protection costs here and there to keep the occupiers at bay when you/your corporations are worth hundreds of billions?
    In short, Bloomberg, Paulson and Steyer don’t give a damn about ‘saving the planet. They only care about sustaining their luxury life style via money and power. And as always, the WaPo and their peers are only to accommodating in their own personal efforts to ride the green gravy train.
    It’s the activist way. The activist way got a Chicago street activist to the links of Andrews.
    The answer? We have to become activists. Take a tip from Geddes; think globally, act locally. Thought….the first step in regaining our institutions that have been slowly but steadily overtaken by the left. Action…the second step. It won’t happen overnight but we can succeed. It didn’t happen overnight for the left either. Nonetheless it happened.

  2. “How much of their money are they spending to save the planet?”

    That would be the definition of a hypocrit. Paint ’em green.

  3. If the United States were run like a business, they would have hard science and technical reasons and an ROI before taking actions. They would also continually re-evaluate the costs and benefits of the program. Usually, if an investment fails, businesses don’t hold onto it for too long. CEO’s who make bad investments are often asked to ply their trade elsewhere.
    How much of their money are they spending to save the planet?

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