Suicide Warmism: Greenpeace chief declares ‘world needs people to put their LIVES ON THE LINE for climate justice’

The Independent reports:

{Greenpeace executive director Kumi Naidoo] admits that the organisation was “taken by surprise” by the charges, which he thinks are “completely disproportionate”. He said that freeing his colleagues was a “top priority” but added that, as in other movements, the world needs people who are “prepared to go to prison, put their lives on the line if
necessary, in the struggle for climate justice and addressing the reality of runaway catastrophic climate change”.

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[h/t NoTricksZone]

14 thoughts on “Suicide Warmism: Greenpeace chief declares ‘world needs people to put their LIVES ON THE LINE for climate justice’”

  1. If people should put their lives on the line for environmental issues, then it’s hardly a sacrifice to have 30 of them shivering in Russian jail cells.

  2. Reblogged this on Power To The People and commented:
    Climate Justice??? What about justice for poor people whose fuel prices have “skyrocketed” thanks to Kumi Naidoo and his ilk fanatical anti fossil fuel beliefs. CO2 is not the enemy. Fuel Poverty Is.

  3. Siberia is big enough to hold all you Greenpeace types. The weather is very mild and the further North you go the warmer it gets. You will just need shorts, flip-flops, sunglasses, and a hat. Even the bears are friendly – they will eat right out of your hand.

  4. “Climate justice” means “a made-up rationalization.” I try not to ask them to define it. It just moves their process further along and creates more “experts” with made-up authority.

  5. Howdy rczeranko
    The addition of “xx justice” is a strong marker of fraud. Much like “this weird trick using all-natural clinical proven ingredients that power companies hate.”

  6. I do believe the Best place for them to make their stand, would be directly in front of Russian or Chinese guns.

  7. ‘Clmate justice’??? Why does the Left always all the word, justice, when trying to make their cause seem more important? How about human justice for a change?

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