University promotes presentation from ‘Nobel Peace Prize Winner’ Michael Mann on hokey stick

Angelo State University announced today: Continue reading University promotes presentation from ‘Nobel Peace Prize Winner’ Michael Mann on hokey stick

Excuse us: NIH researchers squeal about shutdown — Sorry, reining in government excess more important than temporary break in wishful research

Listen to the greedy piggies squeal when the trough is removed. Continue reading Excuse us: NIH researchers squeal about shutdown — Sorry, reining in government excess more important than temporary break in wishful research

Richard Lindzen: ‘Support of global warming alarm hardly constitutes intelligent respect for science’

Richard Lindzen writes at GWPF: Continue reading Richard Lindzen: ‘Support of global warming alarm hardly constitutes intelligent respect for science’

Communist Party USA: IPCC report ‘another brick in the wall of public scientific understanding against climate denialism’

Mark Brodine writes at People’s World: Continue reading Communist Party USA: IPCC report ‘another brick in the wall of public scientific understanding against climate denialism’

IMF chief: ‘Economic instability results from the environmental damages effected by climate change’ — Example, please?

The Hill reports: Continue reading IMF chief: ‘Economic instability results from the environmental damages effected by climate change’ — Example, please?

Billionaire enviro Tom Steyer fighting Keystone XL to help pipeline in which he has a financial interest

The Daily Caller reports: Continue reading Billionaire enviro Tom Steyer fighting Keystone XL to help pipeline in which he has a financial interest