Robert Bryce writes in the Wall Street Journal: Continue reading Fighting climate change by killing eagles — Why isn’t the wind industry subject to the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act?
Month: October 2013
Judith Curry study: Global warming stop could last into 2030s
Science2.0 reports: Continue reading Judith Curry study: Global warming stop could last into 2030s
Carnegie Inst.’s Caldeira: Fracking ‘helping to inexorably transform the planet into a place more and more challenging for people to live in’ — Example, please?
IPCC excuse for failure to predict global warming stop (anything can happen in any 15 year period) wrecked by analysis
Chip Knappenberger and Pat Michaels write at Cato: Continue reading IPCC excuse for failure to predict global warming stop (anything can happen in any 15 year period) wrecked by analysis
NASA (i.e., taxpayer-paid) scientist participates in warmist group video mocking skeptics
New York City has already reached its ‘climate departure’ point — but no one noticed
Pat Michaels and Chip Knappenberger write at Continue reading New York City has already reached its ‘climate departure’ point — but no one noticed
Private investors losing interest in solar — as percentage of ‘cleantech’ investing, down 75% from 2008 to 2013
Polish Joke on IPCC: Upcoming climate conference host Poland under fire for saying Arctic ice melt could save energy
Over the Top & in No Man’s Land: Michael Mann says ‘end-of-climate-by-2047’ study may be ‘overly rosy’
Ontario bans minors from tanning salons — Will beaches and pools be next?
EPA’s mandated carbon capture fantasy for future coal plans is failing worldwide
The New York Times reports: Continue reading EPA’s mandated carbon capture fantasy for future coal plans is failing worldwide