Fighting climate change by killing eagles — Why isn’t the wind industry subject to the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act?

Robert Bryce writes in the Wall Street Journal: Continue reading Fighting climate change by killing eagles — Why isn’t the wind industry subject to the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act?

Carnegie Inst.’s Caldeira: Fracking ‘helping to inexorably transform the planet into a place more and more challenging for people to live in’ — Example, please?

Climate Central sweats: Continue reading Carnegie Inst.’s Caldeira: Fracking ‘helping to inexorably transform the planet into a place more and more challenging for people to live in’ — Example, please?

IPCC excuse for failure to predict global warming stop (anything can happen in any 15 year period) wrecked by analysis

Chip Knappenberger and Pat Michaels write at Cato: Continue reading IPCC excuse for failure to predict global warming stop (anything can happen in any 15 year period) wrecked by analysis

New York City has already reached its ‘climate departure’ point — but no one noticed

Pat Michaels and Chip Knappenberger write at Continue reading New York City has already reached its ‘climate departure’ point — but no one noticed

Private investors losing interest in solar — as percentage of ‘cleantech’ investing, down 75% from 2008 to 2013

The Guardian reports: Continue reading Private investors losing interest in solar — as percentage of ‘cleantech’ investing, down 75% from 2008 to 2013

Polish Joke on IPCC: Upcoming climate conference host Poland under fire for saying Arctic ice melt could save energy

RTCC reports: Continue reading Polish Joke on IPCC: Upcoming climate conference host Poland under fire for saying Arctic ice melt could save energy

Over the Top & in No Man’s Land: Michael Mann says ‘end-of-climate-by-2047’ study may be ‘overly rosy’

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Over the Top & in No Man’s Land: Michael Mann says ‘end-of-climate-by-2047’ study may be ‘overly rosy’

Mayor Bloomberg falsely claims coal plant emissions kill 13,000 per year — Show us one body, Mike!

Michael Bloomberg writes: Continue reading Mayor Bloomberg falsely claims coal plant emissions kill 13,000 per year — Show us one body, Mike!