The Daily Caller reports: Continue reading EPA to hold coal rule hearings nowhere near coal country
Month: October 2013
Government weatherman whines that shutdown limits him to doing his job — breaks rule anyway to talk with warmist media
Pielke Sr: Colorado floods not a 1-in-1,000 year event
“Why the overstatement? Because the flood can be attributed to ‘climate
change'”. Continue reading Pielke Sr: Colorado floods not a 1-in-1,000 year event
Do we ‘need’ EPA? Less than 7% of EPA staff deemed ‘essential’
New Aussie gov’t afraid to openly embrace skepticism — babbles nonsensical warmism
Australia could go back to the Stone Age tomorrow and it would make no difference to global climate. Yet the need to be politically correct keeps the new government of Tony Abbott babbling nonsensical warmism. Continue reading New Aussie gov’t afraid to openly embrace skepticism — babbles nonsensical warmism
Cement industry unhappy at being singled out by IPCC as major emitter — only responsible for 2% of emissions
Disgusting: Race-baiting WaPo columnist likens tea party to cross-burning, white citizens councils of old South
Courtland Milloy (no relation, thank God) writes: Continue reading Disgusting: Race-baiting WaPo columnist likens tea party to cross-burning, white citizens councils of old South
EPA car mileage calculations before 2009 were wrong, making it harder to sell used cars
The National Journal reports: Continue reading EPA car mileage calculations before 2009 were wrong, making it harder to sell used cars
Inhofe: ‘Science behind climate change is uncertain, but the cost of the president’s regulations is not’
Sen. Jim Inhofe writes in the Hill: Continue reading Inhofe: ‘Science behind climate change is uncertain, but the cost of the president’s regulations is not’
Second EPA official under fire for corruption — accepted $8,000 discount on Mercedes from lobbyist
Rep. Marsha Blackburn cheers EPA shutdown — ‘good is EPA can’t issue new regulations’
Let’s all savor the shutdown of a most abusive regulatory agency. Continue reading Rep. Marsha Blackburn cheers EPA shutdown — ‘good is EPA can’t issue new regulations’
Waste, Fraud & Abuse: U.S. has spent more than $77 billion on climate research between 2008 and 2013
Rep. Lamar Smith writes in the Hill: Continue reading Waste, Fraud & Abuse: U.S. has spent more than $77 billion on climate research between 2008 and 2013