Nutty enviro billionaire accuses Canadian government of lobbying House GOP on Keystone XL during shutdown

Huffington Post reports:

Steyer says in the dispatch that TransCanada is launching a new advertising campaign aimed at stakeholders in Washington, D.C.

“News of this advertising campaign comes in the context of House Republicans having closed down the U.S. government as well as threatening to oppose the extension of the country’s debt limit unless certain demands were met,” Steyer writes.

“Included in the original list of House Republican demands was that the Obama administration grant approval for the building of the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The combination of the advertising campaign and Harper’s comments last week “raises the question of whether your office is working hand-in-hand with TransCanada to try to exploit the current situation in Washington, D.C., at the expense of the American people,” Steyer wrote.

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3 thoughts on “Nutty enviro billionaire accuses Canadian government of lobbying House GOP on Keystone XL during shutdown”

  1. Not to mention Westchester Bill that it’s in your own national interests to approve it. But then, anything that would make America stronger is taboo for this bogus Administration.

  2. Approving the XL pipeline for a CR would be a win-win-win result. How Americans can treat our Canadian friends so shabbily is beyond me. The Canadians were with us on D-day for heaven’s sake.

  3. Like he doesn’t lobby in Canada through financing eco-terrorist NGO’s there to do his dirty work. Bloody hypocrite.

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