No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exists UK to avoid taxes

Hypocrite Virgin Airways owner Richard Branson raves on his blog:

And climate deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against; the science is clear enough now.

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Read “Sir Richard Branson leaves UK

10 thoughts on “No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exists UK to avoid taxes”

  1. On the IPCC report, Branson writes: “read the headline summary yourself.”
    Yes–read the headline summary which ignores all of the IPCC’s own data included in the actual report.
    Don’t look at the science–just read the AGW summary.

  2. This man is so concerned about climate change he owns an airline. You cannot make this stuff up.

  3. yDoesn’t he own an airline? That’s like the time the guy that sold bottled water told me I had to much of a mark-up on my products.

  4. Excellent, a well known supporter of AGW now wants to debate climate skeptics. We’ve been waiting on this for years. I wander if Mr Branson will be good enough to use his influence to arrange fior the debate to be televised. It would give hime ahuge opportunity to get his message accross.
    However, I’ll bet he doesnt.

  5. The only way he can recoup his losses in the carbon markets is if the rest of us drink the kool aid and jump in.

  6. “The key to tackling climate change is to see it as an opportunity rather than an obstacle.”

    And the Virgin Man saw the opportunity and acted on it, losing a huge chunk of his money. Now he wants everybody else to see it that way.

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